
Can I Still Upload Letters Of Intent To Phorcas After Esubmitting

  • #302

I'm wondering the aforementioned!

Can I upload other LOI later my first submission?

PhORCAS states "one time you E-Submit your application, NO changes tin exist fabricated to any department other then your personal data."

If this is true, it defeats allow us to apply to more residency sites if nosotros can't update Letter of Intent and Supplemental materials


I haven't e-submitted yet, but hither'southward what my friends told me: only put downward the designations you want to submit for now; so if you're applying for x programs but are ready to submit 2, go ahead and remove those other viii programs (does this make sense?) You lot can then add those programs back when yous're ready to e-submit again. :)


  • #306

What you're maxim makes sense to me.

Are you saying, I can submit for two programs showtime and and then, add 8 personalized LOIs for the other 8 programs I will submit at a later fourth dimension?

Bottom line, can I still edit supplemental and letter of the alphabet of intent sections later on submission?


On the site, information technology still let'due south you edit stuff that you already submitted simply I believe someone talked to PhORCAS and was told that edit button is an error. Once yous submit for the designated site, you're not supposed to exist able to go back and alter stuff. Fifty-fifty though information technology'southward assuasive y'all to right at present, they might not get any of the new information that y'all added after you lot submitted.

  • #309

Hither is the problem that everyone is having though that no ane can seem to answer. what you said is exactly right, and information technology will permit you become back in and submit more LOI and and so on, still, if one of the deadlines you submitted passes, when yous go to submit others it will give you an error saying "please remove expired designations" and will not permit you lot go on.

Oh my goodness. Thanks for the heads upwardly! I think we need an emergency telephone line for PhORCAS. I know I am calling them commencement affair Midweek to bug about my transcript.

  • #310

I have two designations that are due tomorrow and not I am stuck as well. PhorCAS is airtight until Wednesday so am I simply going to lose those 2 programs? Anyone has the same trouble that has solutions???

Maybe you tin contact the programs and let them know well-nigh your situation? Most likely a lot of people are in the same gunkhole.

  • #311

I was able to submit this evening. Too, was able to become back and edit, but Goldfish said, I'm not 100% sure any of the info edited after submission volition go through.

I was told by PhORCAS that they tell you lot not to change annihilation already submitted because you don't know if the programs have looked or saved annihilation you had upwards there.

He specifically told me they only see what you take attached to their plan. They don't have a history of documents attached shown it's whatever you have fastened at the time when they log on. He made it seem like the issue was more than of an bidder having conflicting documents. For example if the plan looks at your LOI on Tuesday then y'all put a new one up Wed. Th if they log on and look and meet it's different they may be confused or annoyed that yous are irresolute things.

I made an editing change to two of my LOI after submission but the alter is then pocket-size and it was the next mean solar day so I'm non worried about it anymore simply I was freaking out and called. That's when they told me the information above. I saw the edit push button withal at that place so I idea they had now allowed you to change things because the edit button was gone in the extracurricular section but non in Programs submitted.

  • #312

I have two designations that are due tomorrow and non I am stuck every bit well. PhorCAS is closed until Wednesday so am I only going to lose those ii programs? Anyone has the same trouble that has solutions???

Yeah this is one of the few situations I would say email the RD and allow he or she know your awarding is complete and you lot tin can't upload it on PhORCAS.

Concluding edited:

  • #313

I also demand to call Wednesday because i of my reference writers could not upload their letter of the alphabet and emailed it to PhOCAS Friday around 7:30 pm. They've been closed since and so so I want to know if they received it. :smuggrin:

I don't understand why my other reference writers had no problems uploading. The one that did I sent him the upload instructions and he still couldn't upload it. I don't know if it was him or PhORCAS that was messing upwardly.

  • #320

This is so frustrating. I had the programs in my designations for more >1 calendar week and attached the advisable materials just after I entered my credit carte du jour number, I got an error message saying I could not go on because the deadline had by and it still won't permit me submit, saying the programs are airtight. :(

:( I oasis't submitted nevertheless, but I'one thousand getting paranoid from all the problems that have been popping up. Hopefully when PhORCAS opens tomorrow they volition gear up those issues!

  • #327

So I just got off the phone with them. Friday is the earliest they will have my reference author'due south letter uploaded that he emailed to them terminal Friday because he couldn't upload it.

I feel like I'm missing out on interview invites considering of this. Everything else for me has been completed. I just need this one letter uploaded to his reference :smuggrin:

  • #328

Later being on hold for xxx minutes I was told, "I'm not really sure what the effect is. We can endeavor and get back to you past the end of the day, merely we tin't make whatever promises."

When I said ,"Are you aware I've now lost out on programs and am at risk of losing more than today?" they replied, "I'll try to call y'all by the finish of the twenty-four hours, if not most likely tomorrow."

Let me know if y'all here anything.

That sucks. Did you electronic mail any RD about the upshot and if so did they respond?


  • #329

I'm really curious what programs are going to do side by side yr. This whole thing was a hot mess. People shouldn't be losing out on opportunities because of this. My friend is freaking out he won't get a residency at present because he requested transcripts about 3 weeks agone, and they're still not posted. I really hope people get it worked out and can submit with no further problems. :(

  • #330

I'thou actually curious what programs are going to do side by side year. This whole thing was a hot mess. People shouldn't be losing out on opportunities because of this. My friend is freaking out he won't get a residency now because he requested transcripts about 3 weeks ago, and they're even so not posted. I actually hope people become information technology worked out and can submit with no farther problems. :(

The transcript event is a weird one. Some people mailed theirs out 3-4 weeks ago - non posted yet. Some mailed theirs out final calendar week - posted.


Accepted Pharmacy Student
  • #331

Hello everyone - I had the aforementioned issue regarding the payment not going through and the organization telling me that my designations had been expired etc. I merely tried it again and everything went through ok! Looks like they fixed the bug! :D

  • #341

Let me get this direct, so PhORCAS is not able to tell yous if a reference letter was uploaded... and tin can we choose what always references we have on file to apply to a program or are each reference is specific to a particular program. i.e. Can i send reference 10 that i originally requested for program Ten to program Z.
thanks in accelerate

You can, equally long as your reference Ten does non have a specific plan name written somewhere.


  • #342

Let me go this straight, and so PhORCAS is not able to tell you if a reference letter was uploaded... and can we cull what e'er references we take on file to apply to a program or are each reference is specific to a particular programme. i.e. Can i send reference Ten that i originally requested for program X to program Z.
thanks in advance

PhORCAS tin tell you if a letter has been uploaded or non. The first time I called, they said they couldn't tell me. They were merely like "If they said they uploaded it, it is uploaded". I just chosen dorsum and spoke with someone else later on I heard they got their technical bug resolved. The person I and then spoke with said my reference writers uploaded a letter of the alphabet or not.

  • #346

I concur and disagree with this, although information technology is "concluding minute" there should be no issues submitting stuff if it's before the deadline.

I'1000 non the blazon of person who does everything weeks in accelerate just because i'm a nervous wreck, in that location'southward a time for everything and this is the time for sending in my applications. If phorcas cannot get on the ball and post my transcripts on fourth dimension (even though they were sent weeks ago) then they're non belongings up their end of the bargain.

w/eastward though. I've been on concord for 40 minutes trying to talk to someone, we'll see.

I've been told by several programs that they ship out interview invites prior to their borderline and they encourage students to submit early. I really believe there is an reward to submitting early on and I think that submitting before the holidays was the best thing to practise in order to impress programs.


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